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Included here are stories on "Spirituality, Spirituality and New Age" and websites with interesting content we have teamed up with

Avalon's Treasury - Jewelry, Gems & Minerals

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Stories from A-Z

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Spirituality and New Age

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In Search of Happiness

Through Love, Positive Attitude, Good Relations and Spirituality

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Every person has a right to be happy, no matter in whatever condition he or she is placed in life. Happiness does not come automatically nor does it remain with us for all the time. It requires nurturing with a right attitude and better understanding of our goals in life.
Sometimes, people have attitudes and hold certain beliefs that bring a lot of pain and turmoil in their lives. The search for happiness starts with re-examining issues that bring us trials and tribulations. A simple way to have a fulfilling life is to love others. Loving others requires care, understanding, tolerance and patience. Family, relations and friends are a source of steadfast support and bring purpose to our lives. In today's world, wealth, professional status and society have a lot of influence on our well being and happiness. People feel wealth or professional success alone is sufficient to provide happiness; often, thereby losing balance in life.
People talk about religion and spirituality that provide different perspective of human life. Each person is spiritual in essence and has inner spiritual needs to be fulfilled, to achieve peace, calmness and long term happiness. Spirituality helps us to resolve many of the problems of life, provided we take it with faith.
We can bring happiness in our lives through having better values, understanding and a positive outlook. Each aspect of life, be it love, attitude, family, society, profession, wealth, health, religion and spirituality, can be instances where we tend to err in our understanding. Therefore it is necessary to raise awareness of these issues so that one can understand the relevance of them in live; and realize that current perception and outlook needs a relook.
Websites with further information:
Bidurway.com is a free online auction website where you can buy or sell psychic readings and spell castings as well as mystical items.
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How to Find Your Inner Spiritual Power

Spiritual Guides

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Spiritual Power is defined as an expanded level of being where you can experience wisdom, energy, love, and deep peace. You are in touch with the radiant power and it is considered the ultimate state of transformation and healing. What is Spiritual Power?

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Wikipedia Definition:


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Spirituality can refer to an ultimate or immaterial reality; an inner path enabling a person to discover the essence of his or her being, or the “deepest values and meanings by which people live.” Spiritual practices, including meditation, prayer and contemplation, are intended to develop an individual's inner life; such practices often lead to an experience of connectedness with a larger reality: a more comprehensive self; other individuals or the human community; nature or the cosmos; or the divine realm. Spirituality is often experienced as a source of inspiration or orientation in life. It can encompass belief in immaterial realities or experiences of the immanent or transcendent nature of the world.
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New and interesting websites:

Information on further topics

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Your Listing on this Page
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Pagan Ethics

Common principles of the Pagan Community

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The Pagan community is one that is made up of many traditions and beliefs. A common thread among all of the varied traditions, from Dianic, to Wiccan, to eclectic, is the fact that they are autonomous and are not ruled by a central authority.

Spirituality, Spirituality and New Age: View complete Story - www.avalonstreasury.com [144 x 25 px]



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