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Included here are stories on "New Age, A Life in Balance" and websites with interesting content we have teamed up with

Avalon's Treasury - Jewelry, Gems & Minerals

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A Life in Balance

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The Scorpio personality

Advice to Scorpios for attracting the right person Rounded Corner, End (Page: New Age, A Life in Balance) [10 x 10 px]
Scorpios have a magnetic personality that attracts people to them. Their eyes are particularly noticeable: they can hypnotise others, just by the way they look at them. Their intuitive powers are strong, and they are very good at understanding people. Many Scorpios are attracted to the occult, and others have strong psychic powers...
So long as their temper is not roused, they are easy to get on with; however, when they are pushed too far, they react with violent outbursts of temper. They are slow to forget someone who has wronged them, and are liable to bear grudges for many years.
They are usually very dynamic. Their fertile imagination is constantly coming up with ideas for new projects. While they have a great deal of energy, there is a danger that they will start a project without getting round to finishing it. So long as they are able to focus their energy properly, however, they can be very successful.
Scorpios have a strange sexual magnetism that makes them extremely attractive to members of the opposite sex. They are intense persons, who take their relationships seriously, and they will be unhappy with a partner who does not do the same. When their relationships are not working out properly they will be unhappy.
While the emotional side to their relationships is more important to them, at times the sensuous side to their nature dominates their actions. It is important that Scorpios learn to control this side to their personality, and to use their powers more responsibly.
Scorpios must also try to control their temper. While they are slow to anger, they are also slow to forgive. They can do much more harm than they realise by their outbursts of uncontrolled emotion. A great deal could be achieved if Scorpios would only forgive and forget a little more easily.
Websites with further information:
Esoteric & Therapeutic Craft Candles
Craft candle manufacturer which sells esoteric candles for esoteric alternative therapies to distributors, professionals and general customers and offers an esoteric shop.
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Relationships to the opposite astrological sign

How to find balance in your love life Rounded Corner, End (Page: New Age, A Life in Balance) [10 x 10 px]
You've found that special someone and decided to spend some time in a relationship together when you find out that they are of the opposite astrological sign from you. Though you could just throw in the towel on the romance, you don't necessarily have to - but it may take work. View complete Story (Page: New Age, A Life in Balance) [144 x 25 px]

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Wikipedia Definition:

Meditation Rounded Corner, End (Page: New Age, A Life in Balance) [10 x 10 px]
Meditation is a holistic discipline by which the practitioner attempts to get beyond the reflexive, "thinking" mind into a deeper state of relaxation or awareness. Meditation is a component of many religions, and has been practiced since antiquity. It is also practiced outside religious traditions. Different meditative disciplines encompass a wide range of spiritual and non-spiritual goals; achieving a higher state of consciousness or enlightenment, developing and increasing compassion and lovingkindness, receiving spiritual inspiration or guidance from God, achieving greater focus, creativity or self-awareness, or simply cultivating a more relaxed and peaceful frame of mind.
Eastern meditation techniques have been adapted and increasingly practiced in Western culture. However, in a 1989 document called Aspects of Christian meditation the Catholic Church advised Catholics against mixing Christian meditation with eastern approaches.[
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New and interesting websites:

Information on further topics Rounded Corner, End (Page: New Age, A Life in Balance) [10 x 10 px]
Muslim Astrologer in UK
Are you looking for the best Muslim Astrologer in the UK for solutiona of financial, marriage, love and business problems? You can feel free to contact Moulana Imtiyaz Ahmed for Muslim astrology services.
New Age, A Life in Balance: Rounded Corner, Start - [10 x 10 px]

The Sun, Moon and Ascendant

The Core of Astrological Interpretation Rounded Corner, End (Page: New Age, A Life in Balance) [10 x 10 px]
The core elements of astrological interpretation for any astrological chart are based upon the sun, moon and rising sign. Basically the sun describes one’s ego, the moon one’s inner self and the rising sign one’s outer façade. When the signs of all three and house placements of the sun and moon are known, a fairly precise picture of that individual’s personality becomes known.

New Age, A Life in Balance: View complete Story - [144 x 25 px]

Websites on this topic:
Online Psychic Reading Australia
Free best online psychic readings services for professional, health, financial and marriage problems and future readings. Media Rose is an expert in reading insights and clarity since 10 years. Feel free to email


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New Age, A Life in Balance

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