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Avalon's Treasury - Jewelry, Gems & Minerals

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Amulets and White Magick

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Magickal Meditations

A Walking Meditation Rounded Corner, End (Page: Magick, Amulets and White Magick) [10 x 10 px]
This technique involves a "think on your feet" type of meditation. It employs the use of using a "beat" or "tempo" of your feet but can be modified to use with drums or even a constant mono-sound or chant.
As you are walking, let both your arms down and let them swing at your sides. Let them do their regular swing as you walk. Try not to think about them as it may distract you. Just let them hang and swing. Relax your shoulders and step by placing the heel of your foot firmly and "rolling" it up to the balls of your feet as you walk. Your steps should be a smooth yet firm trod. Do not stomp, clod or slide. Try to practice the heel-toe maneuver whenever you can. (You may find that many podiatrists and chiropractors recommend this type of stepping anyway!).
As you walk, relax. Think about nothing if you can. Concentrate on the steady rhythm of the steps. Left, right, left, right. Listen to the beat with your inner ear. Concentrate on your breathing technique. As each step progresses you will notice a loosening of the muscles, a relaxing of the mind. Continue with the tempo at an even pace. Left, right, left, and so on. Take a few minutes to really get into the steps.
After a few minutes, try to quit telling yourself the left, right deal. Just feel the beat. With each new step, open all passageways inside at your third eye. As these are opening, feel the beat following its course. Each step is releasing all the junk and is replacing the space with your "safe place", a place you create that you feel comfortable, at ease in. You can imagine a beach, woods, mountains, anything or anywhere you feel secure.
Keep up the steady pace until you are there and can see, feel, hear and smell everything all around you. Once there, you can ask your question(s), make decisions, visualize a protective shield around you, meet your new found "friends", and play if you want! Stay as long as you like, keeping your eyes on the traffic tho' too! This one might be a little harder to do but is easy if you have been practicing. This can also be used indoors (who says you need to walk outside?) while listening to a drum beat, a chant or a mantra. (One syllable word repeated over and over). The trick is to loose yourself in the beat, or tempo. A high state of consciousness can be obtained in this fashion. Feel the beat lightening your load and adding a sense of total well-being, security and awareness. It really can be as easy as taking a walk!
Coming home...sigh. This is a little easier. Just slow it down. Slowly! Slow it down until you feel "normal" again. Your heart rate may slow, in fact, should slow down. Feel the energizing feeling, feel the beat bringing you back.Now you are walking "back", bringing your thoughts into focus of around you, the sounds from the street, or the birds in the air slowly coming to your earth plane. Go with the steady tempo. Do not change your pace abruptly, but slowly. Stamp your feet. Welcome Home!
Websites with further information:
Free Love Spells, Magic Spells, Black Magic, Money Spells
Free Love Spells, Magic Spells, Black Magic Spells, Easy Money Spells, Money Talismans, Charms, Spirits Conjuration and White Magic. Choose Your Magic Spells Now.
White Magic Spells
Magic spells for everyone, your problem will be cured by Now Spells magic spell caster. Contact us for magic spells.
Magick, Amulets and White Magick: Rounded Corner, Start - [10 x 10 px]

What Is Magick

A short introduction Rounded Corner, End (Page: Magick, Amulets and White Magick) [10 x 10 px]
What is magick? Forget all the fallacies and stereotypical pre-conceptionstaught to you out of fear and ignorance and approach this question with anopen mind. You will probably find it is not what you have been taught tothink... View complete Story (Page: Magick, Amulets and White Magick) [144 x 25 px]

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Wikipedia Definition:

Magick Rounded Corner, End (Page: Magick, Amulets and White Magick) [10 x 10 px]
The Anglo-Saxon k in Magick is the eleventh letter of several alphabets, and eleven is the principal number of magick, because it is the number attributed to the Qliphoth - the underworld of chaotic forces that have to be mentally conquered before magick can be performed. K has other magical implications: it corresponds to the power or shakti aspect of creative energy, for k is the ancient Egyptian khu, the magical power.
Magick, Amulets and White Magick: Rounded Corner, Start - [10 x 10 px]

New and interesting websites:

Information on further topics Rounded Corner, End (Page: Magick, Amulets and White Magick) [10 x 10 px]
Magic Spells
Magic spells of saulat khan solve any of your problems with black magic and white magic spells. 2000+ satisfied customers since 1997 - get free trial at, or call at +91 982 060 0330.
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Amulets and Talismans

What is what? Rounded Corner, End (Page: Magick, Amulets and White Magick) [10 x 10 px]
Even full-fledged witches do not agree on the exact difference between amulets and talismans. (So much of witchcraft is based on tradition that some rules are a bit blurry.) However, everyone versed in the occult agrees on one thing: Whether they are called amulets or talismans, these objects are basic necessities in the practice of witchcraft...

Magick, Amulets and White Magick: View complete Story - [144 x 25 px]

Websites on this topic:
Money spells that work overnight
Spells that work instantly for beginners right away in Johannesburg, South Africa, USA, UK, Australia, Ghana, New Zealand, Germany, Norway, Sweden, Bahrain and Bahamas.


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