Further Topics, Special Information: Avalon's Treasury - Jewelry, Gems & Minerals [559 x 70 px]
AvalonsTreasury.com: Logo Middle 1 (Page: Further Topics, Special Information) [150 x 25 px]
AvalonsTreasury.com: Avalon Top (Page: Further Topics, Special Information) [150 x 95 px]
Further Topics, Special Information: Logo Middle 2 - www.avalonstreasury.com [150 x 10 px]
Further Topics, Special Information: Logo Bottom - www.avalonstreasury.com [150 x 47 px]
AvalonsTreasury.com: Experience the Magic of Timeless Jewelry Designs (Page: Further Topics, Special Information) [150 x 70 px]
Further Topics, Special Information: Arrow - www.avalonstreasury.com [136 x 17 px]

Further Topics, Special Information: Top Insertion, Start - www.avalonstreasury.com [55 x 65 px]

Stories from A-Z: Further Topics - Special Information

AvalonsTreasury.com: Top Insertion, End (Page: Further Topics, Special Information) [55 x 65 px]


Included here are stories on "Further Topics, Special Information" and websites with interesting content we have teamed up with

Avalon's Treasury - Jewelry, Gems & Minerals

Further Topics, Special Information: Heading, Start - www.avalonstreasury.com [28 x 50 px]

Stories from A-Z

AvalonsTreasury.com: Heading, End (Page: Further Topics, Special Information) [28 x 50 px]
Further Topics, Special Information: Second Heading - www.avalonstreasury.com [20 x 20 px]

Further Topics

AvalonsTreasury.com: Second Heading (Page: Further Topics, Special Information) [20 x 20 px]

Special Information

Further Topics, Special Information: Rounded Corner, Start - www.avalonstreasury.com [10 x 10 px]

General Search Engines

Important Engines, Part 2

AvalonsTreasury.com: Rounded Corner, End (Page: Further Topics, Special Information) [10 x 10 px]
This short article lists even more important general search engines for your reference. The biggest engines having the most visitors however can be found in part 1 of our engine list.
Cuil (http://www.cuil.com)
Cuil (pronounced cool) says that it indexes 121 billion sites. The results list contains a graphic and a short excerpt from each web site. This format is very different from the usual list of search results, and it may take some time to get used to. It does index blogs and wikis.
Alta Vista (http://www.altavista.com)
The advanced search option provides for Boolean searching, and by date. There are separate searches for audio, video, images and news. AltaVista search results are obtained from Yahoo!. AltaVista is owned by Overture.
Ask (http://www.ask.com)
Ask Jeeves has merged with Teoma and the result is this site. Beware of the sponsored results (ads) tucked among the web sites in the results. Ask does suggest some helpful related searches.
Middle Spot (http://middlespot.com)
Middle Spot shows you screenshots of the web sites found in your search which makes it easier to decide on which sites to visit. Sites may also be saved to a workpad. You may search for web sites, images, and news.
Lycos (http://www.lycos.com)
The Lycos web directory uses the Look Smart Directory. Note that paid listings are presented first. Lycos may now also be using the Yahoo database.
The Way Back Machine (http://www.archive.org/web/web.php)
Use this site to search for old web pages.
Websites with further information:
Cake Delivery in Delhi
Keuchen Paradise is the online cake home delivery store in Delhi, Noida which is selling other bakery items, flowers, chocolates, and gifts to families and corporates even at midnight at reasonable prices and on time.
Further Topics, Special Information: Rounded Corner, Start - www.avalonstreasury.com [10 x 10 px]

General Search Engines

Web 2.0 Search Engines

AvalonsTreasury.com: Rounded Corner, End (Page: Further Topics, Special Information) [10 x 10 px]
This short article lists general search engines that index web 2.0 internet pages like blogs, social web and video sites, and more... As usual there are many more such engines out there but these are some good places to start your search.

AvalonsTreasury.com: View complete Story (Page: Further Topics, Special Information) [144 x 25 px]

Further Topics, Special Information: Rounded Corner, Start - www.avalonstreasury.com [10 x 10 px]

Wikipedia Definition:

Web search engine

AvalonsTreasury.com: Rounded Corner, End (Page: Further Topics, Special Information) [10 x 10 px]
A web search engine is designed to search for information on the World Wide Web. The search results are generally presented in a list of results and are often called hits. The information may consist of web pages, images, information and other types of files. Some search engines also mine data available in databases or open directories. Unlike Web directories, which are maintained by human editors, search engines operate algorithmically or are a mixture of algorithmic and human input.
Further Topics, Special Information: Rounded Corner, Start - www.avalonstreasury.com [10 x 10 px]

New and interesting websites:

Information on further topics

AvalonsTreasury.com: Rounded Corner, End (Page: Further Topics, Special Information) [10 x 10 px]
Your Listing on this Page
Your website could be listed on one of our pages with stories from A-Z! If you add our homepage to one of your webpages we will include your site's title, description and graphic here.
Further Topics, Special Information: Rounded Corner, Start - www.avalonstreasury.com [10 x 10 px]

Meta-Search Engines

Web 2.0 Search Sites

AvalonsTreasury.com: Rounded Corner, End (Page: Further Topics, Special Information) [10 x 10 px]
This short article lists parallel Internet query engines which you can use to submit your questions to several search engines at one time. The meta-search engines mentioned here are specialized in finding web 2.0 internet pages like blogs, social web and video sites, and more...

Further Topics, Special Information: View complete Story - www.avalonstreasury.com [144 x 25 px]



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Avalon's Treasury
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"Further Topics - Special Information"
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Avalon's Treasury

Jewelry, Gems & Minerals

AvalonsTreasury.com: Arrow, Mist (Page: Further Topics, Special Information) [136 x 22 px]



Stories from A-Z
Further Topics, Special Information

Further Topics, Special Information: Arrow, Mist - www.avalonstreasury.com [136 x 22 px]
If you want to add your website to list of internet sites or to one of our pages it is normally enough to enter a title and a description of your site - with our pages and also with many list of websites it is also possible to publish stories to point to your homepage. In this way it is possible to find new visitors for your site by offering thrilling information on a topic to the readers.
No matter how you structure your story you should always pay attention that you firstly care about your readers: You story should be controversial and show different opinions about a topic in order to raise discussions and to enchain your readers. In order to achieve this it is important to be an expert and the field of knowledge one writes about - so if you write one of your first stories about a topic you should first do a research on the internet: Only in this way you can offer thrilling information and new connections in an entertaining way.
Being neutral is an important element when publishing information: There is a reason why newspapers with their political coverage own a better reputation than the tabloid press which focuses on gossip and tittle-tattle. Honest information about various fields of knowledge can also easily be published in social networks where they can be associated with your profile. In this way the interested reader can learn more about you and recognize you as an expert in your field which ledas to more trust in your website and the products and services offered there. Especially in the internet the reputation of a website is important since there is no direct contact between humans and it is therefore difficult to come to an competent opinion about a site.
Many webmasters don’t consider that also the website which is referenced by a story has to offer thrilling and interesting information about the topic of the story. Even an excellent story does not help much if you website does not contain further information which fascinates the new visitors and motivates them to stay on the site. For sure it is not always necessary to offer this information in text form: Many visitors like interactive sites, thrilling videos or artistic presentations that make them laugh, entertain them or enchain them in another way.
The stories on this page http://www.aval
were written with the readers in mind in order to inform them and to invite them to the associated websites. This is the information about our website and this page if you want to point to it:
  • Website: Our short description is "Webshop for Gems".
  • Page: Stories and websites about "Further Topics, Special Information" can be found on this page.
In the end well written stories can be much more than only a possibility to find new visitors for one’s homepage - they can build an emotional connection between you and the visitors of your site and enhance your reputation as an expert in a given field of knowledge. For this reason stories that point to your website are much more valuable than references that only use a title and a short description.

AvalonsTreasury.com: Your Listing (Page: Further Topics, Special Information) [130 x 20 px]